Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Welcome to the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The parish community began in 1914 and was placed under the patronage of Our Lady to minister to the Spanish speaking community. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Catholic community of open heart that makes you feel at home from your first visit. Here come true the words of the Virgin, " Am I not here who am your mother?" Welcome home!
Want to Join?
To Register as a member of the Parish, simply click and download our Parish Registration. Fill it out and mail it to the Parish Office. If you are Catholic and looking for a parish home, a curious non-Catholic, or someone who is making the journey into the Catholic Faith, please come and join us for Sunday Mass. You are always welcome!
If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them. Simply contact any of our staff, or call the Parish Office during regular Office Hours at